
As it says when you load the game, Act Of War is a SHAREWARE product, though I bet you don't need it shouted at you.

AoW has taken me nearly four months of practically full-time effort to write. Assuming a professional programmer is paid £10K a year, I make that £3 grand you lot owe me!

Don't worry, just joking.

However, if you like the game, I would like a minimum of £5, which isn't too much really (better than £3000 anyway). If you really like the game, I'd very much appreciate it if you sent more. If you think it's commercial quality, you could send £10 or £15, or even more if you've got more money than sense. Of course, you get benefits yourself!

A ``donation" (polite word for payment) of £5 will get you a nice letter and a disk containing the mission editor, the latest version of the program and any extra missions I've got. £10 will get you a very nice letter, the mission editor disk, and the source code of the program (all 275K of it) on a second disk. If you send me more than £10, you'll get an unspeakably nice letter, all the above, and probably Christmas cards for life as well. In addition, I'll nominate you for ``Best Supporting Actor" at next year's Academy Awards, and make sure your house is looked after when you go abroad. If you know what I mean.

I'd like the money in either:

When I tried to cash some US cheques recently, I was told the minimum charge would be £10. So, it has to be UK currency I'm afraid, unless you make me an offer I can't refuse (like a $500 cheque, or your DAT player, or your sister).

Now all you need to know is where to send the money!

From now (September 1992) until June 1993, with gaps for Christmas and Easter, you can reach me at the following address:

98 Thornton Road,

During the gaps (approximately December 15th - January 15th, and March 15th - April 15th) and after June 1993, you can reach me at:

4 Cleveland View,
South Bents,